Home insurance premiums are a vital part of homeownership. But if your premiums spiked recently, you may be scratching your head wondering why. Interestingly, there are several factors that can cause an increase in your premiums. Here are just a few. 1. Your house might be getting old When your house and the systems […]
Smart Tips for Buying a Fixer-Upper
Fixer-uppers can be diamonds in the rough, or they can be huge money pits that swallow up all your hard-earned dollars. You will have a better chance of making a success of it if you follow these 10 smart tips for buying a fixer-upper. First, let’s start with what to look for. Granted, depending on […]
What Are Your Lightbulbs Costing You?
As the years roll on, technology continues to advance rapidly. Even in the most mundane objects, technology seems to always throw out new twists on the product. With the push toward conservation of energy, many homes are becoming more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. These changes can be seen in large projects, such as solar […]
Cleaning Bathroom Light Fixtures
The light fixtures that you have in your bathroom can give the room a certain look and feel. These fixtures add to the overall style and theme of the room, and in many cases the light fixtures in the bathroom are carefully selected to reflect the way the owner wants the room to feel. When […]
How To Clean Wood Kitchen Cabinets
How To Clean Wood Kitchen Cabinets (and the Best Cleaner for the Job) Spot-cleaning kitchen cabinets after spills and drips is easy enough, but finding a process and product that removes the grime and grease from many a meal preparation takes patience and a little bit of label research (especially if you are tackling a […]
What to do when changing apartments
When changing apartments, questions about giving notice and the apartment handover naturally arise. Find answers to these questions here. Von Gergina Hristova Depending on the region of Switzerland, the regulations for apartments vary concerning termination periods and dates. The legally proscribed termination notice is a minimum of three months. A common fallacy is that one […]
Apartment Handover: Wood work & floor coverings
All types of woodwork, doors, window frames, curtain boxes, soffits, etc. (painted or stained) should be cleaned thoroughly with soapy water. When you work from top to bottom and with enough dampness, the cleaning goes much smoother and no unattractive streaks will appear. At the end, wipe everything down so it’s dry. Treat stubborn spots […]
Apartment Handover: Windows
With double-glazed windows, unscrew the window panes and thoroughly clean all four surfaces (if heavily soiled possibly multiple times) so that no film or «clouds» are visible. For this purpose you can find good ammonia-based cleaning agents. After cleaning, leave the casings open for one to two hours so that they can dry out well. […]
Apartment Handover: Kitchen & Bathroom
Kitchen & bathroom Be sure to pay special attention when cleaning the kitchen. Cupboards and drawers Thoroughly clean kitchen cupboards and wipe them dry. Remove any contact paper. Replace any defective latches and hinges. Remove the drawers so you can clean the backs and sides as well as the guide rails. Don’t forget door handles […]
Apartment Handover: Walls and ceilings
Dust off all walls and ceilings with a dry cloth. For ceilings, it’s best to use a broom around which you have wrapped a soft cloth or gauze. With this method you’ll be sure to grab even the smallest spiderweb. Wipe down emulsion coatings with a wet cloth – only damaged areas or those which […]